Why choose us?

Next-day Results
Samples received during the day are processed in the evening; we deliver results to you the next evening. If you need results in a hurry, please let us know.

Affordable Pricing
Our pricing for water testing is competitive among other labs in the Chesterfield, Virginia area. Laboratory testing is required for certain applications, delivers precise results, and offers technical expertise and assistance not available with home testing kits.

Expert Advice
We are happy to answer questions about water concerns. In the case of a poor test result, we guide you to resources to identify, correct and resolve the problem.
Services we offer
What our customers say
“Biotech labs is the most professional and knowledgeable lab in Virginia. As a 25 year military retiree my expectations are high when it comes to customer service and integrity. The service I was given was above and beyond what I expected. I went away informed about my system and the water testing process. They really care about you as a customer and a person. You are made to feel like a friend. I highly recommend Biotech, you will obtain knowledge and peace of mind.” (Google Review – 5 stars)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your hours?
Email us at [email protected] for current hours and upcoming closures. Samples are normally accepted Sunday: noon-7pm, and Monday – Thursday: 7am-7pm. However, we are open most weekends; occasionally we do close, sometimes with short notice. So, if you’re planning to deliver sample after 7 PM, email us before collecting it. If you’re planning to deliver a sample Friday or Saturday, email us a day or two ahead to confirm that we will be open and thereby avoid wasting your time and effort (and our resources). For simple logistics questions, email us anytime. For technical questions and discussion, email us or call Dr. Sismour evenings after 7 PM. From 7 AM to 7 PM, you’ll receive a faster response by email than by a phone call
What test(s) do I need - bacteria or chemical?
The Virginia Department of Health recommends that well water be tested at least annually for bacteria (potability) and nitrate. If you are interested in a water test for your own peace of mind, then start with a bacteria test. If you notice an unusual odor or appearance to your water or are interested in discussing water treatment options, please call us (we do not install water treatment systems). We test for lead, nitrate, nitrite, and other chemicals. Email us with any questions.
What test(s) do I need for a loan, whether for a refinance or a real estate transfer?
All loans require a bacteria test (total coliforms, E. coli ). Specific loan programs may require chemical tests (lead, nitrate, and nitrite) as well as having a third party collect and deliver the sample (chain-of-custody). Although testing may be specified in your contract, we highly recommend that you confirm the requirements with your mortgage officer so there are no surprises at closing. Email us to request our list of companies that collect samples or for any questions.
What are the water test requirements for a VA Loan (Veterans Affairs)?
- The VA loan requires that a third party collect and deliver the sample (chain-of-custody).
- All loans require a bacteria test (total coliforms, E.coli ).
Most VA loans also require chemical tests (lead, nitrate, and nitrite). - Test results are valid for 90 days.
Although testing may be specified in your contract, we highly recommend that you confirm the requirements with your mortgage officer so there are no surprises at closing. Email us to request our list of companies that collect samples or for any questions.
See our Resource list on FAQs/Resources page, first item.
Can I use my own container for the water sample?
The answer depends on the test.
- Bacteria test – You will need one of our sterile containers for a bacteria test. Sterile containers are available in our dropbox (24/7).
- Chemical tests – You will need one clean disposable water bottle (6 to 12 oz.) for chemical tests. One bottle is enough water for all the tests. You can use your own bottle. If you do not have a bottle handy, we maintain a supply of bottles in a cooler near our dropbox, also available 24/7.
Therefore, if you need a bacteria test and chemical tests, you need to submit two samples.
What is the cost for each test?
A bacteria test costs $50. A lead test costs $50. Other chemical tests cost $25 each. Payment is due at the time of processing. Check, cash, or money order. No credit cards.
Collection instructions
We provide sterile containers for bacteria tests and instructions so you can collect a sample and drop it off at our Chesterfield, VA location. If you are selling or purchasing property, please see our FAQ/Resources page for additional information. First time clients – please call evenings or weekends, prior to collecting or delivering a sample.