Residential Testing – Draft

Residential Water Quality – Chesterfield VA
Helping you ensure the cleanliness and potability of your water source by providing bacteriological and chemical testing services. Call us today at 804-835-5380.

Owning a well means that you are your own water service provider.  At Biotech Lab, our focus is on helping new or experienced well owners ensure the safety and quality of your water supply.   We provide personal service, fast turn-around, and honest advice.

As a residential well owner, you are justified to be concerned about the quality of your water supply.  Too often, however, out-of-sight is out-of-mind and the water is just ‘there’ when the faucet is opened.  Many well owners who have never tested their water, because they’ve never had water or health problems, are surprised when their water fails a bacteriological analysis.  Other well owners don’t use their water because they are concerned about quality or have noticed a problem (e.g. odor, particulates) and don’t know what to do or who to contact to obtain help in fixing the problem.

Well water can become unsanitary and unsafe for consumption for various reasons, potentially within a short period of time. To ensure a potable water supply, regular testing is important. The USEPA and professional associations encourage well owners to test your water yearly to ensure potability. The following list provides common reasons for testing residential well water.

For Loans, Property Transfers, Mortgage Refinancing: Disclose to the lender at the beginning of the process that you are a well owner, and ask specifically what tests are required and whether independent, third-party collection is necessary. The bacteria test for water potability is always required. You may or may not need any or all tests for lead, nitrate, and nitrite. Test results are valid for 30 days. Plan your schedule so that, should the sample fail, you have time to correct the problem and retest before your closing date.

Reasons For Testing Well Water:Clean Drinking Water Glass

  • Annual Assurance of Water Potability and a Properly Functioning Well
  • Selling or Refinancing a Home
  • Known Problems With Other Wells In Area
  • Surrounding Land Disturbances, Animal Waste Disposal or Wetlands
  • Malfunctioning Septic System
  • Repairs to Well System or Replacement of Components
  • Changes In Water Odor, Taste or Color
  • Low Immune Function Individuals In Household
  • Pregnancy or Young Children in Household
  • Sudden or Unexplained Illness or Gastrointestinal Distress

The quality of your well water is influenced by the unique characteristics of your well, e.g. type and depth of well, local geology and ground chemistry, direction and flow rate of groundwater, and surrounding land usage to name a few.  Regular monitoring is the best way to learn the ‘personality’ of your well and gain confidence in your water source.

Call Biotech Laboratory, LLC in Chesterfield VA today at 804-835-5380.

drinking water

We Service Central and Southside Virginia Including:

Cities: Richmond, Colonial Heights, Petersburg, Hopewell, Emporia, South Hill, Lawrenceville

Counties: Amelia, Brunswick, Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Hanover, Henrico, Nottoway,
Lunenburg, Powhatan, Prince George, Sussex, Surry

If your area is not listed, please call us!