Browse our customizable solutions for water filtration everywhere in your home, whatever your water problem.
Our turnaround time is 24 hours, from the time the sample is received until the report is emailed to you – the shortest time frame possible of any testing method certified by Virginia.
Installations, Flushes, Repair, Radiators, Thermostats, Underfloor Heating…..
Servicing, Installations, Repairs, Hot Water Issues, Gas Leaks, Gas Pipes…..
Leaks, Repairs, Installations, Hot water Issues, Showers, Sinks, Baths, Taps…..
Our pricing for water testing is most competitive among other testing labs in the Chesterfield, Virginia, area. Laboratory testing is preferred for more precise results over cheap home testing kits.
Is easy to use… and even better, easy to install.
Everything you need is included.
Provides excellent long-term value – enjoy fresh, clean water for less than 12 cents a gallon.
Our filter removes 99% of lead and asbestos and 62 other harmful contaminants.
Our experts are available to answer questions about your water concerns. In the case of a poor test result, BioTech Laboratory guides you to resources to help identify, correct, and resolve the problem long-term.
We offer the best solutions for water treatment in your home, apartment or manufacturing plant.
We offer the best solutions for water treatment in your home, apartment or manufacturing plant.